How to get New Driving License in Bothell, Washington
Prepare for the written test. Download the driver guide and read it thoroughly. You can also go through the practice test at DoL website . Pre-apply online to book an appointment for the test. To pre-apply you must have a valid address in the state. Find the nearest authorized testing center . Those living in the Bothell Area can go to Xcelerate Driving School . The directions are given below- Carry following with you- Identify Proof WA residence street address. Social Security Number The fees for the test - $25.00 In order to clear the written test you would need to score minimum 20 out of 25. Once you have cleared the exam book an appointment with the center for the Road Test. Road Test would cost you $40 on your own car and $50 on center's car. After clearing the road test get the results slip from the center. To get the license visit nearest DoL office. In my case it was Lynwood office. Carry following with you- Identity Proof Recent i94 Passpo...
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